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Why ePRO is Becoming Standard Protocol for Trials 

Over the last three years, circumstances have forced organizations to migrate to a remote or hybrid medical device study format, a change that brings with it unique challenges and opportunities. For starters, decentralized trials are increasingly reliant on electronic data collection, either through a mobile device during a traditional on-site visit, or via a bring-your-own device methodology. Migrating to ePRO (patient-reported outcome) solutions is a natural evolution of decentralization.

In this report by Medrio, 150 executives who work for medical device manufacturers in the clinical trial space were surveyed, resulting in key insights like:

  • 61% say an increase in virtual trials would lead them to exclusively adopt ePRO solutions
  • 33% say their companies exclusively use ePRO tools already
  • 100% say their organizations will increase adoption of real-world evidence for approved studies


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