What You Need to Build a Telemedicine Program That Lasts

Custom content for eVisit by Healthcare Dive's Brand Studio

Duration: 1 hour


​Telemedicine: it's convenient, cost-effective and brings quality care to people who otherwise wouldn't have access. Considering its benefits, it's no surprise telemedicine is experiencing significant market growth.

​Our new webinar will provide insights on how healthcare providers can launch a successful telemedicine program that both physicians and patients will enthusiastically use.

​Webinar participants will learn about:

  • The value of telemedicine today, from remote monitoring for the chronically ill to trauma care for remote populations, to primary care for busy college students
  • Several key components you need in place to ensure successful implementation
  • What it takes to execute a successful telemedicine program—today and tomorrow


Kristi Jamison
Lead of Customer Success,

Renny Abraham, MD
Managing Partner,
Clarkston Medical Group

Elizabeth Krupinski, PhD
Professor & Vice Chair for Reaserch,
Department of Radiology & Imaging Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine


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