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Vaccine Trend Report: The Latest Challenges & Opportunities

On the heels of the pandemic, the awareness, investments, and enthusiasm surrounding vaccine research is at an all-time high. At the same time, challenges in pushing vaccine trials forward remain, and many barriers are more palpable now than ever before. 

These challenges partly stem from the sheer number of people required for vaccine trials. A large participant pool invites issues of scale as sponsors work to enroll more people while serving aims across DEI, logistics, patient compliance, and site selection. 

In this report, we’ll speak with experts as we explore the latest challenges inherent in vaccine R&D, as well as the opportunities for sponsors, CROs, and other stakeholders to help solve them. The report will explore:

  • The effect of vaccine misinformation and supply chain constraints on vaccine R&D
  • The issue of underrepresentation and imbalances among sites and participants
  • Emerging strategies worth exploring in the complex vaccine research landscape



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