Understanding Customers Through Zero-Party Data

Duration: 1 hour

Marketers know how critical personalization is to connecting with customers and building loyal relationships, but personalizing requires getting customer information. And consumers increasingly want to guard their private data.

To meet customer expectations, companies must gather information about them. But how do they balance this with privacy? Some companies gather first-party data by tracking consumer behavior, but that does not offer the full picture marketers need to build successful connections. Zero-party, data, however, is helping marketers target relevant messages without running afoul of regulations. Watch the webinar to learn how companies can use zero-party data to lower customer acquisition costs, increase consumer engagement, and drive online sales. Topics include:

  • The changing landscape of data privacy and how it impacts marketers.
  • A brief overview of data types, benefits, and challenges.
  • How zero-party data is different and how to gather it.


Wendell Lansford
Co-Founder & CEO

Victoria Matiouchina
Vice President, Customer Experience & Insights


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