How Brands Can Meet New
E-Commerce Expectations

Custom content for Honey by Retail Dive's Brand Studio

As COVID-19 upended consumers’ lives, a host of new shopping behaviors have emerged. While some behaviors were driven by necessity, an interesting phenomenon has occurred: people found they prefer many of these new options, such as working remotely from the comfort of their home, and found favor with shopping online.

Forward-thinking brands must reconsider how engagement with consumers takes place to successfully capture more loyal shoppers. In this playbook, discover how to meet your ideal customers at the intersection of their shopping needs and shopping behaviors using our road map. This new playbook explores:

  • The key to winning market share – satisfying shoppers’ needs  
  • Three strategies to re-imagine digital marketing and increase the likelihood of converting sales
  • A new solution to allow brands to be more present with shoppers across all stages of the shopping journey


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