The Impact of Downtime on the Clinician and Patient Experience

Custom content for ServiceNow by studioID

Duration: 1 hour

Technology drives today’s modern healthcare systems. Because clinicians and patients rely on EHR systems and connected medical devices to help manage and deliver care, having reliable systems are of paramount importance—and any degradation or outage can greatly impact medical support staff and the patient care they deliver.

Despite this, a recent survey of 128 healthcare IT professionals found that identifying and remediating system issues remains a significant challenge for many healthcare organizations. In this webinar, experts discuss:

  • Why managing and remediating issues remains such a big challenge
  • How issues negatively impact the clinician and patient experience
  • How to significantly reduce issues and remediate them much faster when they do occur


Don Tierney
Chief Healthcare Architect

Dr. Noreen Butte
Physician Executive
Cerner Corporation


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