The fertility blindspot:

Why traditional benefits are missing the mark

Duration: 1 hour

Over the last few years, traditional fertility benefits have masked a troubling reality: employees are shouldering high costs and getting inadequate—and potentially unnecessary—care. 79% of employees say they’re concerned about rising healthcare costs, and nearly half of employees' complaints about fertility benefits are around expenses.

There’s a new model for delivering fertility benefits, lowering overall expenses and increasing employee productivity & loyalty. In this webinar with Scotts Miracle-Gro, you’ll get a roadmap on how robust preconception care, personalized coaching, and wraparound support reduce cost for companies and give employees the shortest pathway to having a healthy baby. Register for the webinar to explore:

  • New research that shows how traditional fertility benefits may be costing you and your employees more than you think. 
  • Strategies to enhance fertility benefit offerings and address employees' holistic needs that impact their productivity
  • Real world examples of successful fertility benefit programs that prioritize employee support and drive cost savings


Chris Hicks
Senior Vice President, Growth
Maven Clinic

Heather Lucas
Director, Benefits and Wellness
Scotts Miracle-Gro


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