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Retailers Reveal the Latest in Payment Trends

A recent online survey asked executives at retail and e-commerce companies with annual revenues of $100 million and over about their experience with customer-focused payment options. Nearly three-quarters reported that increasing the average amount spent per transaction by their customers was a big priority and new payment options at checkout figure significantly in their strategies to achieve that goal. Along the way, they’re finding out how following and implementing payment trends can impact customer loyalty and grow their base.

How exactly are they approaching their mix of payment options?

Get the infographic that explores how 150 retail and e-commerce executives think payment options at checkout are playing a huge role in helping them gain and keep customers. Topics include:

  • Evolving payment trends and how often retailers are adding new methods.
  • Embracing optionality and the role of payment flexibility.
  • How digital payment options can help increase customer satisfaction.


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