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Point Solutions are Pointless: The CFOs Guide to Tech Stack Consolidation

Nearly three in five CFOs say they have to look across multiple systems to get visibility into their organization’s data, a process that can add days to accessing the spend data they need to make strategic decisions. In the best of times, these delays are an inconvenience. But amid economic uncertainty, they can undermine your organization’s ability to adapt to new challenges that arise—and, ultimately, put your company at risk.

An automated Business Spend Management platform can break down the silos that separate your company’s information and help you respond to changing economic situations more nimbly. After reading this playbook, you’ll understand:

  • The pivotal role of automated spend management in weathering difficult economic times
  • How unifying solutions on a platform can help leaders achieve organization-wide objectives
  • How to evaluate your options and find a solution that meets your organization’s unique needs​


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