Navigating Talent Acquisition Challenges in Biotech and Biopharma

Duration: 1 hour

Eureka moments don’t just happen. They require a structured, systematic approach in the lab— and in the talent acquisition process. But what does structured hiring look like? And how can it help you address the challenges every biotech firm faces today?

Join Layla, Yusuf, and Karen as they discuss talent acquisition in the post-pandemic era and strategies biotech firms can use to successfully identify, recruit and onboard the highly skilled workers they need. These industry pros will share how a structured approach to talent acquisition has benefited their companies — and how it can benefit yours.  Learn how to:

  • Match job requirements to actual needs
  • Look for candidates in the right places
  • Create a candidate-friendly process
  • Ensure that DE&I is integrated into every step
  • Improve onboarding to ensure employee success


Maria Culbertson
Senior Manager, Internal Communications
Greenhouse Software

Yusuf Uddin
PhD, Head of Talent
KdT Ventures

Karen Casey
Chief People Officer
Syner-G BioPharma Group


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