How Modernizing the Financial Close Can Be a Unifying Force for Transformation

Duration: 45 minutes

Spending on digital transformation is expected to reach $6.8 trillion globally in 2023. With so much invested in technology and modernization, it’s clear that achieving greater workflow automation, faster-smarter decision-making, streamlined data, and a better work-life balance for employees are top priorities for companies. However, without extending modernization to aspects like the financial close, the benefits of new technology may not be fully realized.

This webinar explores the challenges in the financial close and identifies ways CFOs and finance teams can apply the Close, Connect, and Control framework to increase their financial agility—and finally see the benefits of digital transformation realized. Topics include:

  • Retaining staff with modernization
  • Automation and ERP misalignment
  • Barriers to company growth
  • The Close, Connect, and Control methodology


Stefan van Duyvendijk 
Accounting Operations Evangelist

Razzak Jallow



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