Marketing Data Is the Lifeblood of Business:How to Use Your Marketing Data Effectively

Duration: 1 hour

Marketing data is the lifeblood of every business. So why do most businesses feel overwhelmed by the idea of capturing it, understanding it and harnessing its potential for important strategic planning?

In this expert webinar, Northwestern University and Industry Dive’s studioID partners will explore how the most successful companies are using marketing data as the lifeblood of business. We’ll discuss the various kinds of marketing data that can be used strategically, examples of how that data has been used in real life, and more. This will all be in an effort to influence real change in how companies drive growth, enhance customer experience, improve efficiencies and build brand authority. You’ll come away understanding:

  • Why marketing data is the lifeblood of every business
  • What stakeholders within the company need to buy into marketing data (and how it plays out in real life)
  • What limitations and shortcomings come with a focus on marketing data (and how to navigate them).


Tanya Norwood
Chief Officer, Membership & Marketing and Chief Officer, DE&I
American Society for Clinical Pathology

Meredyth Jensen
Founder & CEO
The Eight Agency

Andy Davidson
Chief Data Officer
Bright Mountain Media


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