Custom content for Smarter Grid Solutions by studioID

Manage DERs at Scale and Unlock More Value for Customers

The exponential growth of distributed energy resources (DERs) has challenged utilities. Because DERs are bidirectional and intermittent, the influx of customer-owned equipment could cause serious consequences — service interruptions, unplanned outages, and even damaged grid equipment. Many utilities rely on existing systems such as an ADMS or demand response system to manage DERs, without realizing they’re limiting the value of these resources.

Utilities that can harness the power of DERs at scale will see huge opportunities. By deploying distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS), utilities will be better equipped to control and manage the massive increase in DERs expected by 2027. In our latest playbook, you’ll learn: 

  • Why existing ADMS or demand response systems limit the opportunity from DERs.
  • How DERMS can help utilities meet their current needs and scale for the future.
  • How leading utilities are leveraging DERMS to improve hosting capacity, reduce the need for grid upgrades and deliver financial gains and grid support.


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