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Leveraging Gift Cards The Right Way to Drive Holiday Sales

The demand for gift cards is surging. In fact, according to a 2021 study, 35% of consumers polled spent more on gift cards than the year prior. Given their popularity, more businesses are leveraging digital gift cards as a sales motivator, incentivizing consumers to make time-sensitive purchases. 

During the holidays, when gift giving and entertaining budgets are often tight, gift cards are valued even more by consumers. Businesses that want to capitalize on gift card demand at the height of the shopping season need a smart strategy in place now. What tips should you keep in mind when planning your rewards program? And how do you choose the right technology partner to effectively host your large-scale gift promotion? Download this playbook to learn more, including:

  • Cost-effective execution tactics
  • What motivates consumers to participate
  • Creative promotions that capture consumer attention
  • How to best evaluate digital rewards platforms and partnerships


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