Keeping Your Holiday Momentum Going Year-Round

Duration: 1 hour

While peak season is in full swing, it’s not too soon to think about what’s ahead. The extremely competitive 2022 season, which was marked by lower consumer spending, caused retailers to rethink their approach this holiday season. They are looking for evergreen solutions, not only for acquiring holiday customers, but for retaining them throughout the year.

Once the holiday rush is over, how do you plan to apply what you learned to make 2024 a better year for growing customer acquisition, improving retention, and building true loyalty?

Watch the webinar that explores how to extract every ounce of value from the lessons of peak season to position the months ahead to be even better. Topics include:

  • How to analyze peak season data to inform decisions for 2024.
  • Turning new, holiday season customers into loyal, year-round buyers.
  • Find out how loyal your most loyal customers were during peak season.
  • Improving share of wallet by tracking where else new and existing customers shop.


Justin Inman
Senior Director of Enterprise Sales

Carol Spieckerman
Spieckerman Retail

Angie Kubicek
Senior Director of Growth Marketing
Omaha Steaks


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