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How to Unlock the Full Power and Value Hidden in Your Data

The right data allows retailers to gain insights about consumers, make informed decisions, and drive business success. And while most retailers are confident in their data abilities, they also face obstacles that prevent them from unlocking the full power and value hidden in their data.

To determine how ready retailers are for data integration and data-driven commerce activities, we surveyed 200 retail executives across the U.S. The research report contains exclusive insights to help you determine how your data readiness aligns with your peers. You will learn:

  • The most common roadblocks retailers are facing when it comes to gathering data and deriving actionable insights
  • The ways in which companies are working to enhance their content and rich media
  • Specific tactics retailers are using to improve their data integration, boost customer experience, and prepare for commerce growth in the coming year
  • How to better manage your data to ensure quality, consistency, and accuracy



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