How to Maximize Digital Content in the Age of Remote Learning

Custom content for OverDrive Education by studioID

Duration: 1 hour

​While digital content adoption was a great means to providing critical access to reading and learning during the pandemic, its role doesn’t end there—now that schools have it, it can also be leveraged as a key in-classroom tool to support student literacy/learning, long after COVID-19 is over. To find out how educators use—and anticipate using—digital books going forward, OverDrive surveyed K-12 Dive readers to get an  insider’s perspective as to how educators make use of their digital books.

It’s not enough to know how schools use digital books. It’s also critical for schools to determine the strategies to get the most from their investment. In this webinar, our education experts will:

  • Review results from a survey on the use of digital books in K-12 school curriculum
  • Discuss top results and implications of how digital books are currently used in schools
  • Evaluate next steps that educational institutions can take to maximize their investment in digital books 


Angela Arnold
General Manager
OverDrive Education

Brad Wieher
Director of Literacy and Interventions
East Aurora (IL) School District 131



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