How to Make Revenue-Friendly Decisions About Fraud and Risk

Duration: 1 hour

The democratization of fraud means more opportunities for bad actors — and more risk for merchants. When it comes to fraud prevention, merchants must perform a careful balancing act. Let more transactions through to reduce friction at checkout and improve traffic flow, or tighten up fraud prevention measures and add friction to limit losses? The answer is unique to every merchant in every industry — and can change as revenue and scale grows. 

How do you navigate the tricky landscape of fraud prevention and mitigation? Watch the webinar to learn what merchants of all sizes are doing across industries. Topics include:

  • How fraud is evolving and the new risks facing merchants in online retail.
  • How executives balance revenue-friendly payment experiences and strong fraud prevention.
  • Practical steps merchants can take in preventing fraud based on company size and industry.


Sandipan Chatterjee
Senior Director/GM of Risk-as-a-Service

Augie Kennady
Director of Trust & Safety


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