How to Better Manage the Evolving Role of the CFO

Duration: 1 hour

CFOs are responsible for keeping the business in a sound financial position, managing debt and expenses, and making sure everyone gets paid on time. But now the office of the CFO has expanded to include supporting tactical, day-to-day, mundane tasks as well as making strategic decisions. Businesses that don’t have automation to handle those tasks risk overloading—and underutilizing—their CFOs.

The right tech solutions can shift entire cultures across an organization, provide better insights, and free up CFOs to actually partner with the people that they're supporting. Watch the webinar that unpacks all the front-office planning and support tasks that are now part of the CFO role and how to get CFOs back to future-focused work. Topics include:

  • Why CFOs get bogged down by tasks and demands from multiple departments.
  • How a time-strapped CFO can reduce profits and cause a lack of long-term focus.
  • The tech and automation solutions that reduce errors and free up the CFO’s value.


Chris Porter
Director of Product Marketing

Avia Yudalevich


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