How Iberdrola is Leveraging DERMS for a Renewable Future

Duration: 1 hour

In May, Spain’s electrical grid accomplished something many countries around the world are chasing: Between 10 am and 7 pm, the amount of renewable generation exceeded the nation’s total electricity demand. This was a remarkable feat because wind, solar and hydropower were able to meet demand on a regular workday when three of the country’s nuclear power plants were offline.

In 2022 about 42% of Spain’s electricity was generated by renewables — an increase from 24% in 2009. Despite that progress, Spain still has a long way to go to reach its 2050 net-zero target.

Iberdrola is a renewable energy leader in Spain and dozens of countries around the world. The utility is leading the Flexener consortium, a group of innovative companies dedicated to accelerating Spain’s shift to 100% renewable energy. The Flexener consortium is investigating how demand management and a distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) can simultaneously provide reliable electricity to Spain’s energy  customers while also accelerating the move to a 100% renewable electricity system. The DERMS selected for the project is provided by OSI, an AspenTech company. In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Why the transition to more renewables requires investment in supporting technologies.
  • Iberdrola’s perspective on the integrated energy management ecosystem.
  • The goals and research approach of the Flexener consortium.


Carlos Pascual
Head of Connected Energy Customers

Josef Fantik
Senior Consultant for Europe
OSI, an AspenTech Business

Eric Sortomme
Principle Consultant, Product Management
​OSI, an AspenTech Business


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