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How Finance Leaders Are Accelerating Risk Transfer

Companies are increasingly moving away from defined benefit (DB) plans as the primary retirement program after being unable to effectively address plan costs and risk. Because of this, plan sponsors are implementing procedures to reduce contribution and funded status volatility through pension risk transfer. Now, with rising interest rates, plan sponsors may have an opportunity to continue or even accelerate these actions.

In this report, explore the 2023 CFO Dive/Mercer survey results, which include responses from 152 senior financial executives who manage an organization’s DB or pension plan. Learn about the tools finance leaders are using to accelerate risk transfer and reduce liability, such as lump-sum-based risk-transfer and annuity buyouts. Read now to learn more about:

  • How CFOs perceive the cost of annuity buyouts
  • The importance of accurate and complete data
  • How the insurance market is expanding to meet future demand


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