
How Top Brands Are Reaching Full-Price Shoppers Amidst Inflation

Custom content for Scalefast by studioID

DTC merchants know that they can expect the buy-in from full-price customers to support their business with brand loyalty and quality of product at top of mind. However, with retail prices on the rise, it’s crucial to keep consumers from feeling the burn of inflation.

How can DTC brands stay smart about discounts and price cuts, and still remain profitable? The answer lies within your understanding of the full price customer, and leaning on smart product tailoring solutions that keep your trusted customer centered in your product lifecycle strategy. This playbook will answer many of the questions that DTC brands have during a tumultuous time, such as:  

  • How can DTC merchants navigate the instinct to discount products to stay competitive?
  • Where and how should the consumer feel the impact of inflation?
  • How can DTC brands create value for full-price customers?



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