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Profitable Personalization: How AI Can Increase Your Ecommerce Revenue

Personalized marketing is changing the ecommerce landscape—fast. Artificial intelligence is making it possible to tailor consumer offers to their unique preferences. Indeed, customers want it. A recent Salesforce survey found 56% of consumers expect personalized offers, while 73% said they “expect companies to understand my unique needs and expectations.” 

In this playbook, we’ll dive into how incorporating AI to create personalized experiences for your customers leads to greater loyalty and higher revenue. You’ll learn how AI can help you offer a better user experience with a personalized website that’s easy to use, both for a marketer and an online shopper.  We’ll also explore how to:

  • Refine your ideal customer profile
  • Get comfortable with dynamic messaging as you test different options through AI
  • Apply your consumer findings to all your marketing channels so they communicate in harmony.


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