Hiring and Retaining BIM Talent

Custom content for Autodesk Construction Cloud by Construction Dive's Brand Studio

With a growing demand for BIM-skilled employees and a dwindling workforce educated in BIM, it has become increasingly difficult for construction and building firms to satisfy customer demands for specialized building projects.

Forward-thinking companies, however, are looking at finding, hiring, and retaining skilled BIM staff in a whole new way. Sometimes going as far as changing their company structure and thinking more broadly about who’s qualified in order to overcome this challenge.

In its new playbook, Hiring and Retaining BIM Talent, Autodesk Construction Cloud takes a look at new ways successful companies are opening the door to greater opportunities when it comes to BIM talent, including: 

  • Reasons for the BIM-talent shortage
  • What a good BIM hire looks like
  • Benefits of decentralizing BIM within your organization
  • How to retain the talent once you have it


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