Navigating Generative AI
for CX:

Challenges, Opportunities, and What’s Next

Duration: 1 hour

Generative AI has ushered in a major inflection point in customer experience (CX), continually redefining what’s possible in operational efficiencies and improved customer satisfaction. As the industry now races to keep up, the key question remains how organizations can adapt to these rapid advancements and pragmatically harness the benefits of AI.

Gain a research-based perspective on the current state of AI for CX from guest speaker Christina McAllister, Forrester Senior Analyst. Then, join her and Ted Burke, VP of Product Management at ASAPP, in a thoughtful discussion about how generative AI may reshape your CX infrastructure, and steps to take now to prepare your organization for the change.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Where generative AI is impacting CX, both now and in the future
  • How to avoid common pitfalls in AI implementation for CX
  • What steps to take to navigate the rapid evolution of AI in CX


Christina McAllister
Guest Speaker
Forrester Senior Analyst

Ted Burke
VP of Product Management



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