Using Untapped Natural Ingredients to Meet Consumer Demand

Duration: 1 hour

The global food ecosystem is in desperate need of an overhaul. With current population trends, food manufacturers will need to increase production by more than 60% to feed the world. Climate change and decades of industrial agriculture will create a scarcity of animal-based products. On top of that, consumers are skeptical of artificial ingredients and instead gravitate toward “natural” solutions. This has intensified pressure on manufacturers to either create new brands or reformulate established brands.

To meet these needs ingredient suppliers are turning to nature to find their next batch of “solutions” and exploring methods to recreate these natural products in scalable, efficient ways. One that has recently entered the spotlight: the fungal kingdom. As one of nature’s most versatile tools, mushroom mycelia have the power to solve complex challenges and create delicious, better-for-you products efficiently and sustainably. In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The key drivers for food and beverage ingredient innovation in today’s consumer landscape
  • The role the fungal kingdom is playing in meeting these new demands and transforming the food industry
  • How the natural process of fermentation, combined with the wonders of mushroom mycelia, are producing ingredient solutions that elevate, rather than replicate, consumer culinary experiences


Jonas Feliciano
Director, Marketing
MycoTechnology, Inc.

Caroline Schwarzman
Director, Commercialization & Growth Strategy
MycoTechnology, Inc.

Jim Alderink
Former Chief Product Officer
MycoTechnology, Inc.

Jim Langan
Founder & Principal Scientist
MycoTechnology, Inc.


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