Five Industrial Manufacturing Tech Trends to Watch in 2025

Duration: 1 hour

As we move toward 2025, industrial manufacturers are considering the role of technology in their operations, where to invest, and how to ensure those investments succeed. In this webinar, we will dive into the technology trends impacting manufacturers in the near-term and the moves they should be making now to prepare. It will connect the role of new business models as part of the trends, the need to adapt quickly to changes in supply and demand, and the importance of real-time visibility.

SAP’s North America Industry Advisor Stephan Braun will reveal solutions that can support and enable transformation for manufacturers. Drawing on his deep experience within the discrete industries space, Braun will discuss: 

  • 5 pressing areas of technology transformation for manufacturers 
  • Managing uncertainty during key transformation projects 
  • How technology enables manufacturers to respond to customer behavior
  • How improving processes can help deliver more value across the customer lifecycle


Stephen Braun
NA Industry Executive Advisor

Matthew Gantner
CEO & Founder
Altum Strategy Group


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