Confident Ecommerce:

Replatforming to a Modern Solution

Duration: 1 hour

Many merchants are outgrowing the capabilities of their ecommerce platforms — causing pain points ranging from a poor user experience to potential security risks. Migrating to a more modern ecommerce solution can eliminate many such issues. But merchants often let fears and concerns stunt them from making a confident decision to migrate platforms.

As online sales become more and more significant to merchants, it’s imperative that they build out their ecommerce businesses on platforms that can support them both now and in the future. This webinar will discuss how merchants can overcome their misconceptions about ecommerce migrations. It will cover:

  • The pain points that affect merchants’ ability to drive revenue and grow their businesses online
  • The hesitancies that may keep merchants from migrating to a new platform
  • The steps merchants can take to migrate with confidence
  • The ways a platform provider should support merchants throughout sales and implementation


Aaron Sheehan
Director of Competitive Strategy

Tara Verkerke
President of Sales and Operations, Co-Founder

Dave Munson
Saddleback Leather Co.


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