Building Better Communities:How to Make Employee Volunteerism a Success

Duration: 1 hour

It’s no surprise that corporate volunteering programs have grown in recent years, just like other well-being initiatives. After all, giving back is known to improve employee engagement and build connections between employers, employees, and their communities. 

But to be truly successful, employee volunteering programs must embody certain characteristics, such as alignment with a company’s culture, values, and workplace structure. In this webinar, join HR and corporate social responsibility (CSR) experts from Paramount and Discover Financial Services as they dive into what makes an outstanding employee volunteering program. You will learn:

  • The various physical, mental, and social benefits of corporate volunteering 
  • The difference between volunteer vs. “voluntold”—and why volunteering shouldn’t be mandatory or burdensome for employees
  • How to create an engaging corporate volunteering program that appeals to all team members, whether they work on-site or remotely 


Alyse Perkowitz
Senior Manager, Community Affairs
Discover Financial Services

Adam Robinson
VP of Social Responsibility


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