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How CPGs Can Establish & Maintain Brand Loyalty

Consumer purchasing decisions when it comes to food and beverages reflect more than economic factors. But as prices rise, they are weighing brand loyalty versus affordability while redefining value, particularly for products they buy at the grocery store. That’s why brands should seek a connection with consumers long before they go shopping – and here’s where the sense of community comes into play. Consumers have shown a willingness to spend more on brands they believe in.

What is your brand’s strategy for expanding your loyal base, even in a landscape where consumers face economic pressures?

Download the playbook that explores how to build brand love with the help of tech and trend-savvy strategies. Topics include:

  • What it really means to lead with value – and how consumers perceive that value.
  • A multifaceted approach that appeals across generations.
  • Leading consumers from brand awareness to loyalty to advocacy.
  • Three ways brands can establish connection and community.


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