Ask the Experts: The Direct Path to a Digital Restaurant Presence

Duration: 1 hour

A modern digital restaurant brand captures what’s special about the in-person dining experience and translates it for the digital realm. That includes digital marketing, social media, and SEO. But it all starts with a website, which plays a huge role in reaching customers, building loyalty, and increasing orders and revenues.

And nearly two-thirds of customers surveyed say that an appealing app/website is important.

How does your restaurant brand leverage digital to reach customers, gain their loyalty, and support their purchasing power?

Join this ask me anything style webinar to learn about the proven, practical social media and marketing strategies restaurant brands are deploying today. You’ll hear from a restaurateur who successfully promotes his business with one solution, plus:

  • A speaker panel including an app powerhouse
  • What the results of a new restaurant industry survey report tell us
  • Restaurant operators getting answers to their burning restaurant marketing questions


Muhammad Akbar

William Ezekowitz
Senior Product Manager

Samantha Ullrich-Mack
Hospitality Marketer

Chris Trani
Manager of Operations


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