Virtual Event On-Demand

AI in K-12

Promise and Pitfalls

Recorded June 20, 2024


Tim Dawkins

Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
South Glens Falls Central School District

Mark Erlenwein

Staten Island Technical High School

Pete Just

Executive Director
The Indiana CTO Council

Temple Lovelace

Executive Director for Assessment for Good
Advanced Education Research and Development Fund (ERDF)

Kristina MacBury

Sarah Pyle Academy

Shelley Pasnik

Director of Center for Children and Technology

Glenn Robbins

Brigantine Public Schools

David Sallay

Director of Youth & Education Privacy
Future of Privacy Forum

Kara Arundel

Senior Reporter
K-12 Dive

Anna Merod

K-12 Dive

Roger Riddell

Senior Editor
K-12 Dive


School district leaders know that students, teachers and even administrators are increasingly using artificial intelligence in their daily work. But most superintendents are scrambling to find time and resources to develop their own policies and guidance on AI. With education leaders already juggling so many other issues, how can they get a solid start on implementing widespread AI guidance to keep students and staff on the same page?

Join the editorial team at K-12 Dive for a virtual event on how districts can realistically roll out and manage AI at the classroom level and beyond. Our team of journalists will host conversations with school leaders and industry experts to share their best practices and personal experiences in creating district or schoolwide AI policy — and doing so in an equitable way. We’ll also touch on the curriculum challenges and promises brought about by AI, and how to ensure student data privacy protections remain a top priority.

Watch this free event and learn:

  • How districts can dedicate time and resources to AI in a cost-effective way
  • How teachers can use AI as an innovative approach to transform student learning
  • How districts can ensure students aren’t harmed by AI-embedded biases, or that the digital divide is not exacerbated when AI tools are introduced

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Session Information

How To Adopt AI in a Safe and Cost-Effective Way

Our panelists will give attendees hands-on advice on what to consider when procuring ed tech that uses AI, while also navigating the challenge of protecting student data privacy. Plus, how can districts ensure access to AI tools are equitable for students?

Innovating With a Watchful Eye in Classrooms

In this session, speakers will discuss how to work around and address concerns of plagiarism that potentially involve AI, but also what are some innovative approaches the tool can unlock in the classroom? Should teachers instruct on AI literacy now, and how can educators explore the ways AI is already impacting students’ day-to-day lives?

AI Use Policies: Develop or Wait?

After diving into the positive and negative implications of embracing AI from an ed tech and curriculum perspective, speakers will share if, how and when districts should go about developing their own AI use policies. If districts forgo developing an AI policy, what will that mean for their students’ futures?