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5 Common Ways Fraudsters Try to Scam Retailers and Their Customers

Today’s retailers need a new approach to fraud prevention – especially in today’s omnichannel, e-commerce-driven environment.  

Antiquated strategies such as knowledge-based or two-factor authentication (2FA) simply can’t keep up with the speed, scale or constant changes of scams and attacks. In addition, many fraud prevention tactics create friction for legitimate customers who want a seamless experience across every channel.

This new infographic explores some of today’s most common fraud tactics and how retailers can protect themselves while streamlining the customer experience with AI-powered biometric security. The infographic highlights: 

  • Eye-opening statistics about tangible losses and e-commerce fraud today
  • 5 common ways fraudsters scam retailers and customers
  • How to protect customers and support your employees with the latest in intelligent fraud prevention


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