Transforming Tax Compliance for Global Manufacturing:A Modernization Imperative 

Duration: 1 hour

As a finance professional supporting a manufacturing company, you play a crucial role in safeguarding your organization's financial health. Maintaining tax compliance is often a large part of that responsibility. On a global scale, this becomes increasingly complex.  

In this webinar, we will explore why global manufacturing organizations must embrace technological advancements in tax automation as part of their compliance strategies to stay ahead of auditors and government authorities. Sovos experts will shed light on the EU perspective that often demands near-real-time data transmission, exposing manufacturers to heightened transaction scrutiny as well as the US-based complexities around narrow manufacturing-focused exemptions and special taxability rules. 

You will walk away from this session with critical strategies to ensure your organization not only meets its tax obligations as they exist today but also allow you to expand while remaining fully compliant. Audience Takeaways:

  • Understand the current and future tax compliance landscape in both the US and Europe
  • Consider how industry trends and external forces, including multi-channel selling and supply chain diversification, impact compliance.
  • Discover strategies to prevent over- or under-payment of tax liability.
  • Learn how establishing systems that very your vendors tax accuracy can keep you compliant and potentially save millions. 


Chuck Maniace
VP, Regulatory Analysis & Design

Alex Smith
Senior Director, Consulting Service


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