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How to Boost Ad Reach and ROI in a Cookie-Less Market

As third-party cookies are set to become obsolete by the end of 2024, advertisers are facing a drastically different digital ad-targeting landscape. It will be much harder to reach customers with digital ads, understand who took action on ads, and measure ad interactions. They will still need behavioral and demographic insights to create target audiences. That’s why marketers are rethinking their marketing formulas and adopting new ways to attract buyers and drive business growth. In the next 18–24 months, it will become obvious which marketers embraced change and which did not.

How can marketers keep conversions from crumbling without third-party cookies?

Download the playbook to learn how marketers are rethinking data and reshaping ad strategy for high performance. Topics include:

  • Why first-party data and data partnerships are a priority.
  • An advertising metric marketers can rely on.
  • The role of experimentation.
  • Five considerations for vetting an advertising platform.


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